Sunday, June 26, 2011

Big girl Panties!

I realized this morning it has been awhile since I last wrote something on this blog! I am not good with blogging, so I am making it my goal to keep you all updated on my journey, and to use this to help myself reflect on what I am doing everyday!

BIKE/RUN: Our last BRICK we did 7 mile ride and a 1.5 mile walk/run. I was having an "off" day that day of workout... I had been sick the whole week before, so my body was very tired. My chain fell off going up a hill so I had to get off and put it back on and keep going... when I got done, I walked the 1.5 mile part. I really want to start pushing myself with that part... start running a little, walking, running, walking, etc... I really try to get some workouts in during the week and so Mark and I took our bikes out this week... we ended up riding 11 miles! That was a crazy thing... there were so many times I wanted to stop and quit, but I kept going... Not often to I push myself past my comfort zone, and it felt really good afterwards when I got home!

SWIM: I am amazed at myself on this part. I started TriBabes only being able to doggy paddle, and I have a big fear of open water... you cannot see what is in that water but you can FEEL it! YUCK... I have always hated deep water too, for the fear of drowning and putting my face in the yucky I never liked going out in boats when I was a kid either...So we have had 3 lake swims. First being an orientation and a small swim out to a pole and back... then from here on we add a "lake lap" to each lake swim. So last Tuesday we did 2 lake laps. Each lake lap is 200 yards... The weather was finally nice last week! There are a lot of women who have wetsuits, but I have not decided to invest in one this year... Knowing this part if my biggest fear, and each time I show up I think to myself "what the heck am I doing?!" I think back to what our leader Lisa told us on our first swim "You got go put on your big girl panties... you canNOT be a diva in the water... and we are not swimming like pretty orca whales, we are swimming like ugly beluga whales!" LOL... I keep her words in mind and I just SWIM! I focus on ME and not anyone else, because I know what I need to do and it doesn't matter how long it takes me. I am so proud of myself for TRYING... that is what is so important to me... if I don't try then why am I doing this?

My brother Mike showed me some swimming techniques and I attended a pre-swim class taught my our leader, and will continue going early to have her help me with my swimming... I am proud to say I am starting to swim the freestyle! With my head in the water and everything! I cant say I am not scared out there, but the pride over shines the fear and I think how amazing I am! LOL

SELF: Not only am I becoming more active, I seem to be building a lot of self confidence too :)  I am reading a book that a friend suggested called the "Slow, Fat, Triathlete" it is such a great book so far, and the author is so funny! It definitely helps to read it as I am working towards this huge goal... there is a part about not worrying what you look like and what other people think of you... here is a little excerpt "... life is way to short and precious to worry about what other people think when you are out doing something. Self-consciousness is the enemy of fun." I keep this in mind all the time... if I am having fun and doing something good for myself, why would I care what other people think? I am working on getting those bad thoughts out of my head because they only bring me down! :)

Thanks for reading! :)

Thanks for reading! I am going to really TRI to do some interval running this week! Wish me luck!

Monday, June 13, 2011


I have successfully completed BRICK number 2! Lisa, our fearless leader chose to run the starting point a little different this time. We start in "waves" #1-10... depending on where you think you are you choose what wave you want to go with, 1 being the fastest and 10 the slowest. My first week I stayed in the last wave just so I could get a feel of how well I could do. This week I thought I would just stay around the same... but she sent us off in this order... waves 1,2, 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3!!! So that put me starting third... I was nervous about this... plus we were on a different route this week, going a total of 6 miles, and also there would be one STEEP hill, and another gradual incline hill! She said we would probably hate her after the ride, and that there is no shame in getting off your bike and walking it up... (in my head though I am thinking YES THERE IS! I DON'T WANT TO WALK MY BIKE).... so as all my fear creep up on me and I start thinking to myself I don't want to do this anymore, there is no way I can do this... yadda yadda.... I am glad I MADE myself try... because I DID IT! I didn't have to get off the bike one time! I made it the full 6 miles and then got off my bike and headed for the 1.5 mile walk/run! If you have never rode your bike and then got off to run/walk you should try, basically it feels like my legs could just give out at any moment! I know with training and time that will feel a little better.... our first week I walked the whole mile, this week I actually did a LITTLE jogging with my walk.... and when I walked, I went fast! I want to be able to run so bad! I remind myself I need to take it slow, I will be able to work up to a run by August... but its hard when you see others run by you!

I love Kitsap TriBabes. I cannot tell you how much I am addicted to all of this so far! All the women I have met so far are amazing and are always so encouraging! They are always there saying "Yahooo! Way to go! Keep it up! Good Job!" I think that is what makes it so fun! I don't even know many of these people and yet they are all so kind! It makes this sport a lot more fun then doing it on your own at home! I never would of thought I would LIKE this so much and I do! I look forward to our training's and the off training days... I feel proud of myself when I go on a bike ride instead of doing house work! lol I have so many fears that I am facing every day when I do this, and it is making me such a stronger person each day!

Tonight, Mark and I went on a bike ride. I decided to go a little farther on this route tonight. So when all was said and done, we did 7.3 miles with some really hard hills! I thought I was going to puke going up one! It isn't easy biking after dinner! lol 

Tomorrow is our second lake swim. Lisa is having a little swim clinic before the group swim that I am going to try to attend.... it will help me with my fears of lake water and swimming in general. I will be able to have a little more one on one time with her and I think that is great. When we are at BRICKS and lake swims, you don't have much opportunity to chat with her so I think even if I was OK with the lake and swimming I would still go just to get more of a connection with her!

Thanks for reading! Love you all!

Friday, June 10, 2011


When we were in Elementary school we got to take the bus to the pool with an older grade and take swim lessons! I think that is where my fear of deep water began. I remember faking like I couldn't swim well so I wouldn't have to join the group in the DEEP end! :) I remember one day our instructor taking us over to the deep end to practice diving!!!!!!! I did NOT want to dive in that 12 foot water... I remember crying and hated the feeling that I had to do it....

Don't get me wrong, I do love pools and swimming. I think after that incident of swim lessons I shut down and didn't try to learn anything new... I realized last week at our first swim for TriBabes that I really had no idea how to really swim... you know with your head in the water, breathing every so often off to the side? Yea... I know how to doggy paddle, swim with my head up, and I am amazing on my back! I noticed though that it takes a lot of effort to just do it that way, and you don't go very fast.

I went to the pool at the Y last night and did some laps on my own... I watched others swim and hated how they made it look so damn easy! I tried to do the breathing thing to the side and ended up getting a face full of water! lol... Today I met my brother at the Y... he wants to help me train for this triathlon... I asked him if he swam like a normal person, he wasn't sure, so he put on my goggles and off he went! Yea.. that easy, he was swimming the right way!!!!!!!!!!! So he showed me, I tried, it was so so... then he asked me if I was blowing out my nose when I was under water... I was like... yuck.. no! lol... so we practiced by the wall, and then I put on the goggles and tried a lap with his suggestions... it worked! He said I looked good too, even though I felt like a freak!

I still need work I think... my lower back hurts a lot when I swim, I think I arch it and I am not sure how to change that... so anyone with swim advice or wants to help give me some lessons at the Y can help! :)

Oh yea... and then Shannon wanted to get some of those kick boards and just work on our kicks!!!!!!! OMG... yea so here i am kicking like everyone else but I am NOT moving!!!!!!!!!! So I sucked at that too! I tried all types of kicking, the lady in the next lane was trying to give me pointers but there I stayed!!!!!!! So I was done for the night after that!

Tomorrow is a BRICK...  6 Mile bike ride and 1.5 mile run!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Bike Ride

Before I had this Triathlon dream we use to drive my "bikers" and think "GET OVER!" LOL... I still can hear my husband Mark yelling at these bikers for taking up room on the road. Who would of thought that him and I would be those bike riders?! Mark is very supportive in my new goal... he bought himself a bike too and takes rides with me at night. Most of the time he has to wait for me at our turn around point! Tonight I was right on his ass! lol... I told him to HURRY up or I was going to have to pass him... which I did a couple times. :) 

We are somewhat addicted to biking now. I still fear those hills, but I am gaining more confidence each day! It is hard for me to make myself make time for working out and training, but I am getting a lot better at just forgetting about the dishes or laundry and going out and working my body! We ride out bike from out house, out on Sherman Hill Road, to Clear Creek Road, and then either go right towards Rude road, or Left to the Clear Creek gas station... each has a different route, but both good work outs. Mark is ready to go farther, and I am sure I will be ready soon enough. Tonight we went right towards Rude road... it is between 5-6 mile ride...

I got a new seat and Mark put it on tonight... it is a little more cushioned... my butt doesn't seem to hurt as bad tonight... still not in love with it yet... but we will see! lol

I think I am going to join the Y tomorrow so that I can get some swimming in and other workouts to help me with my training...

Thanks for reading! Hope I dont bore you all!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


I cannot believe I just did that! Yes, I went swimming in a lake tonight in my swim suit... for FUN! ha ha..

It is hard to describe the feeling of tonight's adventure. When Shannon and I got there we were quite early, so we went and sat by the water with the other people who were early. Before we knew it the place was packed! Shannon kept wanting to creep towards the back of the "class" but I made her stay in the front! :) We kept seeing more people putting on their wet suits and getting their swim caps and goggles on... we stayed in our clothes hoping there would be others in just suits! :) I get pretty nervous seeing how many people are there and I really wanted to go back home in my cozy home and just watch some TV! Well once we knew our water part was coming up, it was time to get the clothes off and show those white legs off! I think just being in the bathing suit in front of all these people was a victory in itself! lol

As our TriBabe leader Lisa did her introduction of the water and some water safety stuff... she showed us how to "march" in cold water and get our bodies use to it fast... once she was done it was our turn... we started to all walk in slowly... there were hard rocks in the water so Shannon and I ended up holding hands so we wouldn't fall! We had to first splash our face with water... then throw some on our backs, and get our goggles wet, spit in them, and then dunk in the water over our heads! BRRRRR.... then we had to walk back out! After some floating techniques and such we had to swim out to a pole, not sure on the distance... but swimming with that many people is scary! I made it to the pole and then got some water up my nose! I made it all the way back too, but I was glad that is all we had to do tonight... I am tired... and am still not sure about this swim part... I really need to learn to swim faster! Not just doggy paddle! I would like to say my fear of the swimming part is over... but I don't think it is yet. I feel comfortable being out there, as they have a lot of helpers a long the way where you can stop and float for as long as you need... It is swimming with so many people that I need to get use to. I know the more we swim the better I will get.

Before we started....Out of the corner of my eye I saw some people I knew walking towards our swimming area! Once I realized who it was... I was like "OMG Shannon, those our my friends I told you lived close!!!!!!!" I was so embarrassed to see them, but at the same time it made me happy to see them come to support (or laugh) at me! :) Sue and Greg are practically my second parents in life, and their neighbor Georgia is a special friend as well! So even though I was shocked you guys being there taking pictures! I really do appreciate the support! :) I love you all!

Forgive me if the writing doesn't flow well tonight, I am losing steam and still cold!  Goodnight!


So to understand some of the things I will be talking about I thought I would give you a peek on how this actual "Training" goes. Kitsap TriBabes is a group of women who are led by a lady names Lisa. Training season runs from June-September. Every Tuesday there is a lake swim out at Wildcat Lake. This is where we will learn to swim like an actual Triathlon event.

BRICK stands for Bike-Run-ICK... yes try running after you have rode your bike for awhile, it is not easy, that is why the ICK is at the end! :) We had our first BRICK last Saturday. We did a 5 mile bike ride and a 1 mile walk/run. It was a lot of fun! I was glad I took my bike out a couple times before we did this, otherwise I might have been last or gave up! There are so many women there that they send you off in "waves." So you kind of get to pick where you think you would fit best. Since it was my first time, I chose the last group. It went really well. I think next week I might move up one group. The walk/run last Saturday I chose to just walk. I will be working up to a run, but for now I will take that part slow. (Just to make my chiropractors a little happy!)

Each week these lake swims and bricks are all increased in distance working us to the actual amount of the triathlon or farther. There will be a mini triathlon closer to August to give us a feel for what to expect. In addition to all this swims and bricks, there is a training schedule for suggestions as to what to do on the days we are not together.... so I will be doing some of those extra things too! Lisa says if all you do is come to the 2 a week trainings you will be able to complete the triathlon in August. However, she said if you want to get fitter and maybe lose some weight, then the extra training is what you should include also.

Tonight is our first lake swim! It is rainy and somewhat cold out! But, the show must go on! When signing up for this there was a question Lisa asks us on our form "what is your fear about doing this"... my answer to that was the swimming portion! I hated swim lessons as a kid because they made you dive in the deep end! I have always hated open water like oceans and lakes because you cannot see the bottom! When I cannot touch the ground it freaks me out. To be honest I only dog paddle and swim on my back. I do not put my head in the water and swim like a "normal" person. Plus I hate bathing suits! Yes I know.... I need to not worry what others think, but for now I do, and I am hoping to get that out of my head and realize how amazing I am, and can be!

So wish me luck tonight! I will let you all know how it goes!

Monday, June 6, 2011

My new goal... to complete the Danskin Triathlon!

I have never written a blog before, but I thought this would be a fun way to start. I have decided to start the journey of becoming a triathlete, and being able to write about it and share this experience with you all will help me stay on track and excited!

My sister and I were going to join a group called the Kitsap TriBabes a long time ago... things changed and she and her hubby moved out of Kitsap County. So the TriBabe thoughts were pushed away. Back in October I had a really bad back injury. I ended up having a "slipped" disc in my lower back. I have never felt so much pain in my life. It scared me to not be able to even get up off the floor! I have been on the road to recovery since then. I have had to stop playing soccer, which has been hard since it is something I have done since I was a child. I have had to start back slow, with short walks only. About a month or so ago I thought about this "Kitsap TriBabe" group My husband has a friend Chris who did it last year and she just LOVED it. I decided "What the hell" I can do this! So in May I registered to be a Tribabe, and then right after I registered for the Seattle Danskin triathlon in August! I have paid for both, so I cant back out! :)

When I tell people this new goal in life I have. I get many mixed signals from them! LOL... Some look at me like "ARE YOU CRAZY!" I have gotten a lot of support too, which is what really helps me believe I CAN DO THIS. I didn't just decide over night. I thought a lot about it, asked a lot of friends and people who have done this too before. I thought for awhile, like NO I need to lose some weight before I even start this journey... but the people I talked to told me to DO IT... they said to just jump right in. The Danskin is a perfect start to being a Triathlete! 

So here I am... about 10-11 weeks away from race day! I am so nervous already, but so very excited too! I will try hard to post a lot on here. I am not the best writer, but it will feel good to get out what is going on!